Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kick it like Kirk!

Kirk has a few more weeks left of his first soccer season and I can already call it a success. He has boldly walked onto the field for each game and the last 3 games he has scored 6 goals during the game. He enjoys it, our coach is great with the team, and Kirk seems to really understand the rules.  I could almost cry looking at these pictures; he is growing up way too fast.  In a few weeks, he will be finished with day care and looking forward to preschool with me in the fall.  Where has the time gone?  Why is he almost 4 years old?? I try my best everyday to enjoy every minute with him.  He tells me he will always love me, even when he's a big man like Daddy. I know he will.  He is so much fun.  I'm so lucky to be his "soccer mama!"

Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring has sprung! (hopefully!)

The Easter Bunny always HIDES baskets full of goodies at our house, and last year he hid Kirk's basket on top of our washing machine.  He was a little guy, and we had to help him, but this year, he was on a mission! He looked just about everywhere downstairs until he opened the bathroom door to find his basket on the toilet, and his new Bumblebee bicycle and Optimus Prime helmet parked in the bathroom!  He loved everything, and he jumped right on his bicycle and started peddling.  I must admit...I was a bit sad to see him doing such big boy things.  We had a great Easter, and we'll have a lot of fun with his new bike.

Kirk was determined to have a Bumblebee bicycle.  Did they have one for us to buy around here?  Of course not.  Jeremy had to search the internet and order it.  Kirk was happy, though!

Kirk is slightly obsessed with the Ninja Turtles right now.  He got 2 new dvds in his basket and 2 new toys.  We had to take his money that he got from his Easter cards and his "lucky" eggs and buy the last member of the turtle team at Target yesterday.  We now have all 4 turtles.  Jeremy also ordered him some toys from ebay, so he has several "bad guys" and Master Splinter (that is who I have to be when we play).  It's pretty much turtle talk all the time around here, and his imagination is hilarious.  I know one day I will wish that he was little again, running around calling me "Master Splinter."  I'm trying my best to enjoy it...and play along!

We went to Gramma Debi's church on Easter Sunday.  Doesn't Kirk look adorable??

Cutest little biker I've ever seen!