It's been a while since I posted! We've been busy and Kirk sure is keeping us on our toes! The picture above is of Kirk and JD at the MU Green and White game on April 23. Kirk loved running around and throwing his football in the stadium parking lot. He was super excited at the game for the first 5 minutes! I think he gets a little bummed out whenever the football isn't in the air or in his direct line of vision. We all had a good time and we're looking forward to football season this fall.
Kirk was so excited and said "Let's go Marshall!" and "Go Herd!" He can now find Marshall things everywhere. He said "Go Marshall!" when we stopped at the light by Cabell Huntington Hospital today. He could see the MU Medical Center sign!
Of course, he had to get a golf set sometime soon, right? This is a picture of him exploring his Easter basket on Easter morning. He loves golf, and has now assigned the blue club to Jeremy, the yellow one to himself, and the green one to me (he knows all these colors, along with red, yellow, white, pink, purple, orange,brown and black...and the sign language sign for each color as well!). He can actually hit the ball pretty good!
He's practicing his throwing skills. He throws way too well for a 21 month old!
Kirk hunted for Easter eggs at Granny Dean's house. It didn't take long for him to figure out what to do.
He found this one all by himself!
Mother's Day was very special to me this year. I feel like I've known my little boy forever, but I've only been his mama for 21 months. I love him more everyday and cannot imagine spending a day away from him. He makes me smile bigger, laugh harder, and marvel everyday at how amazing he is. I love being his mama so much! I know he's very smart, but I still cannot figure out how he managed to have flowers delieverd to me at school! Haha! I have a very special family and I am so grateful for my baby boy and his daddy!
Kirk covered a flower pot in stickers ("skickers") and planted a flower for me for Mother's Day at school (with a little help from his teachers).
I love the handprint art that he brings home from school, and it is so sad that his hands look a little bit bigger each time!
We walked with "Caden's Crusaders" in the Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis walk on Saturday, May 14. Kirk now loves playing in Ritter Park. This picture is of Kirk and Jeremy making their way up to the new play island. Kirk was way more interested in the swings and the slides!
This is a picture of Caden line dancing with his mama and grandparents (well, kind of). Caden is a beautiful little boy who is loved and supported by so many people. Caden's Crusaders helped the Huntington walk raise more than $13,000 for Cystic Fibrosis research!
Way to go Caden's Crusaders! We hope to help "Blow away CF!"