Kirk liked using the "little saw" to cut the pumpkin. He wanted to make the "small jack o lantern" first!
our small jack o lantern....with Daddy's help
dressing up for music class on Wednesday, Oct. 26
Kirk's first school (day care) Halloween party was on Friday, October 28. Kirk had so much fun dressing up and playing with his friends and teachers!
Judah, Kirk and Austin eating their party snacks
Kirk's friend-nemie Jilly-bean....she dressed up as a fitting
Lyric, Carter, and Avery
Kirk is playing "put the wart on the witch" with his teacher, Miss Myra
Kirk is playing in the slime with his friends and teachers
Kirk and Miss Myra (he LOVES her!)
Kirk's halloween basket with all his goodies from his friends, he pulled out his "scary teeth" first!
Kirk and his scary teeth!
We went to our friend Jill's 40th birthday party on Friday, October 28. It was a costume Jackie Moon (from the movie Semi-Pro) and the "Queen Bee!"
The birthday girl with all of her cakes and cupcakes! They were delicious!
We went to the Herd game on Saturday, October 29. Kirk decided to take notes during the game. Haha! Notice that beautiful grip on that crayon (we really haven't had to work on it that much!) and notice which hand he still continues to write (and feed himself with.)...LEFT! He has good strength in both hands, and is beginning to use his fingers more to try to zip and button. I'm interested to see if his left hand dominance holds out. He is beginning to draw things, and he says, "What am I going to draw, Mama?" before he starts marking on the paper. I'm amazed at how quickly his fine motor skills are developing!
Kirk is pointing out the UAB dragon...notice the scoreboard in the background, MU 59, UAB 7! I had to take a picture of that! We don't see scores like that very often!