Sunday, December 13, 2009

Kirk is four months old!

It's is really hard to believe four months have gone by. Kirk has had a busy week. He got shots on Wednesday (ouch!) and had his first bite of cereal on Wednesday evening. He also went to his first Herd basketball game on Saturday (and I FORGOT to take a picture!) and had a great time. We went with Martyn, Trista, Ady, and Neuhaus. He got passed around to everyone and sat quitely starting intently at the court the whole time. It was good to see everyone and we especially enjoyed spending time with Ady; she's growing up so fast. She liked "baby Kirk" and is such a big girl these days. I think Kirk really likes basketball and we're looking forward to the rest of the season!

We're looking forward to eating our "solid" foods....just rice cereal for now, but it's something new and fun to do. He's enjoying his new jumper and he will stare at the pictures in books as I read. He laughs out loud and kicks and splashes a lot in the bathtub. He is so much fun!
Jeremy fed Kirk some cereal...I'm sure he'll get better with this whole spoon thing with some practice!

Kirk's first bite of cereal...I'm pretty sure he got more on his bib than in his mouth!

Kirk is enjoying his pirate shoes that Rachael got him. He also likes showing off how big he is!

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