Monday, January 31, 2011

"Play is a child's work." ~Jean Piaget

I titled this blog post with a quote from one of my favorite early childhood theorists, Jean Piaget. Piaget was really the first of many who opened the eyes of educational professionals long ago to the power and importance of the play of young children. Since I have spent the last ten years of my life "playing" with children each day, I of course always saw the value in playing with purpose and connecting with young children.  I watched them grow and learn for nine months out of the year and saw them mature and learn new things.  I always valued play and chose the materials that I used in my classrooms wisely.  No classroom experience prepared me for the amazing "play" experiences that I have had with my little boy.

Kirk is ALMOST 18 months old now.  He can play, play, play!  He has moved swiftly through several types of play and amazes me with the things he now "pretends" to do.  He sometimes prefers to play alone, and moves his toys away from me so he can do whatever he wants with them.  He puts on a scarf, throws a bag over his shoulder, waves and says "bye-bye" to Jeremy and I and reaches for the door handle.  He likes to fill things and empty them.  He hides things and then looks for them.  He likes to play chase, stack toys, and climb on everything.  The power of play is amazing.  We can play with an expensive toy, or an empty yogurt container.  It's all "play," and it's all important.  I love playing with my little boy, and I hope he always loves playing with me!

So all the cold weather and snow days had us feeling cooped up.  We played at home; we played at the mall; we played at Chick-fil-a (with Angel and Riley); and we decided to try to go play at Billy Bob's!  Kirk was too little for most of the stuff, but he liked sitting in this firetruck and turning the steering wheel.  He had no fear of climbing on or in anything, which makes me fear the future!  Yikes!

There was a highly visible sign that said "No Children Under 3" on the carousel.  Jeremy plopped him on a horse anyway, and of course he yelled "Go!  Go!"  How in the world did he know that everything has a "go" button?

He did ride the little ferris wheel and he said "Whee!" every time it went around.  We actually had to come back and ride it again!

He has gotten much better about sitting (not climbing, standing, or jumping) in his chair.  In this picture, he is holding his Elmo doll while watching "Elmo's World" on dvd.  He is quite the tv junkie these days and would watch it forever if I'd let him.  He loves Elmo and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He talks to the tv, laughs at funny things, and waves at the characters.  He has learned a few things, like counting to 10 and a few more animal sounds.  I swear, his ability to tune me out while his favorite shows are on is definitely a skill he got from his dad!

If you're reading this blog, I hope that you have children around you that you can play with.  I am reminded everyday that the theories I learned and taught from for years are true.  Nothing is more important than engaging in play with young children.  Just put your "to do" list in the back of your mind and spend time completely focused on children and their imaginative thoughts and actions.  It truly is the most priceless experience. 
So....go have some fun, and JUST PLAY!!

"Play is often talked about as if it is a relief from serious learning.  But for children, play is serious learning.  Play is really the work of childhood."  ~Fred Rogers  (my favorite)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holly Jolly Christmas

The Walkers had a wonderful Christmas!  We want to thank all of our family and friends for all they have done for us!

Kirk is opening his gift from Auntie Megan in this picture.  He was a bit slow...we all got bored waiting for him to tear off a substantial sized piece of paper.  We had to help him out a little, and then he got excited!

After untwisting and turning all the pieces, Kirk loved playing with his Little People barn.  He loves the "doodle-do" (rooster) and for some reason, always slams the goat in the silo and says, "bye-bye!."  Who knows?  I thought he liked goats! 

Bella, Auntie Erin, and Kirk admiring our tree on Christmas Eve

We got LOTS of gifts on Christmas Eve at MeMe and Poppy's!  Kirk loves his Thomas tricycle and can now say "All Aboard!"

Kirk seemed to like the Nerf guns that we got for Tanner best of all.
Poppy showed him how to shoot them in the air.  Great!
Kirk yelled "DUCKY!" when he came downstairs Christmas morning.  He grabbed Donald Duck off his slide, and then realized that the slide was there!  He immediatley said "SLIDE!" and started trying to pull himself up.

 This is his first attempt at climbing up the slide.  It didn't take long to get the hang of it, but the first time was hilarious.  He was grunting and trying to pull himself up with his teeth!  After he figured out the hand/foot coordination, he was fine and can now get up there in about 1/2 a second!

Kirk got his beloved Barney from Aunt Debbie at Gramma's house. 
 He hugs and kisses Barney when he sings.

Kirk loves his race track from Gramma Debi.  He likes to send all of his cars down the track, along with the farm animals, puzzle pieces, musical instruments, etc.  He loves to put them at the top and say "1,2,3, GO!"

This was my attempt at trying to take a picture of Kirk and Astro together for his "family photos" for his new school (day care).  Neither one of them would have any part of  it, and in this picture, Kirk is pushing on Astro's hindquarters yelling "GO!"  Poor Astro!

Kirk loves his new slide.  He slides with Mickey, Donald, books, cars, animals, instruments, etc.  Now he says "Wee!" when he slides down.  I think he learned that at school!

     Kirk had a great first week at day care!  He likes his new teachers and all of his new friends.  He made a hat, painted, sang songs, played in the "romper room," and danced.  He and his friends made a handprint American flag today.  His teachers say he has eaten well and he has taken 2 1/2 hour nap on his cot all week!  We are so proud of him!  He is such a big boy and growing up so fast.  He has picked up a few new words this week and started putting 2-3 words together, like "Hi Daddy!"  "Go at-side, bye-bye!"  and "Mama car."  He has started pretending more, especially with kitchen items ( his favorite area of his classroom) and pretends to stir with a spoon and says "Yummy!" and pretends to eat from the spoon.  He is starting to push cars in paths on the floor and makes sounds like "vroom, vroom" while he is pushing them.  He even pushed two cars together and said "boom!"   His fine motor skills amaze me!  He is able to pick up a raisin with his thumb and index finger and he is already holding a crayon with a three finger grasp.  He is learning things so quickly and surprises us each day!