Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Anniversary to US!

It is so hard to believe that Jeremy and I celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday!  It sure doesn't seem like that long ago.  I can still remember meeting him about this time 11 years ago.  That sounds like a really long time ago! Our lives sure have changed over the years, but I have never doubted how much he loves me and now our family.  Funny how I always pictured us chasing after a little boy named Kirk, and now we are!!  I thought I'd post some 8 year old pictures of funny is it that my wedding pictures have negatives?!  Ahhh!  I have a wedding album (printed pictures!) and instead of scanning them and posting grainy pictures, I thought I'd post a few from our honeymoon.  We took pictures with our FIRST digital camera at the Dominican Republic.  The camera was a gift from our very awesome wedding party!  I am also glad to say that we are still good friends with all the people who stood up with us that day.  We are so thankful to have shared that day and our lives with our friends and family!

Happy anniversary to the Walkers!

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