Tuesday, December 25, 2012

and a happy NEW YEAR!

It is very hard to believe a new year is a week away!  What an amazing year it has been.  I cannot believe that this time next year my baby boy will be 4 years old.  FOUR. YEARS. OLD.  How tragic!  I love to see him learn and do new things, but boy is it making me teary that he is so big in my lap these days.  I look forward to the new year and all it brings.  I resolve to try to be the best mother, wife, teacher, sister, daughter, friend, citizen, and servant that I can be.  We have so much to be thankful for, and instead of constantly taking inventory of my shortcomings or faults, I resolve to enjoy my life as it is.  We are all wonderfully made, and we should enjoy each day.  I have made a few changes this year, and I hope I can continue to make the best choices for my family and myself.  We really have a great life, and I want to enjoy it more.  Welcome 2013!

I love this picture.  What a precious hug from my boy at the HERD game in Charleston on Dec. 15th.  I hope I always get hugs like that!

I usually don't post pictures of my school kiddos, but this was a great moment!  We have a gift exchange in our classroom each year, and the moment they start to tear into the gifts reminds me why I teach little ones (it was pajama day as well....of course I wore my pajamas, too!) .  They are all so excited, and it is amazing to watch.  Look at all those little bodies on that carpet with me....I am so lucky to spend my days with them!

Kirk and Bella on Christmas Eve

Kirk's expression is priceless!  He was so excited to open his Bat mobile from Gramma Debi!

Kirk pulling things out of his stocking on Christmas morning

Kirk and his glorious Bat Cave....his life is now complete!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Great resource....

I just found a great site on Pinterest (and if you aren't using Pinterest, you should.  Go there. Now.).  It is rare that I agree totally with any other "expert" working with young kids other than my hero Dr. Becky Bailey (who totally changed my life as a teacher, mother, and person...you should read her stuff too).  This post is from a counselor who has a pretty decent blog.  You should check out this post, and the list of the "10 Things Not to Say to Kids."  If we would all take this advice we'd have more kids who were well adjusted, well behaved, and even tempered.  Read it.  Leave me a comment if there's anything you don't understand.  #1 is my favorite, and most important bit of advice....don't tell kids what NOT to to, tell them what TO DO!  Common sense?  Not for most!

For example, a kiddo who is running in a classroom will hear "WALKING FEET!" from me, not "STOP RUNNING!"  Most of the time, when a child is told what TO DO, they will change their behavior.  Many times when children are told what NOT TO DO, they are left questioning what behaviors are acceptable or expected.  Why create confusion?  Tell them.  Things that are natural to me from working with young kids for 15 years are not natural to others.  Even parents who are highly educated do not always make the best decisions about parenting....especially when dealing with challenging behaviors.  Read it.  You'll be glad you did.


We wish you a Merry Christmas..

Kirk, Bella, Auntie Erin and I spent last weekend in Lexington, KY visiting the Kentucky Horse Park and enjoying the Southern Lights.  We were glad to spend another year there and Kirk and Bella loved the petting zoo.  They fed the animals lots of carrots, and they jumped right up on the ponies for a ride.  We were all in the Christmas spirit and we enjoyed the Mickey's Music Festival show last Sunday at Rupp Arena.  The kids loved the show, and we had a great time.  We came home with some Christmas AND Disney magic in our hearts!

Kirk was impressed that our elf, Bruce Wayne, followed us to our hotel in Lexington.  Bruce Wayne (who Kirk did not hesitate to name) has found some sneaky hiding places and left Kirk some great notes around our house.  Kirk is excited to see what he has been up to each morning!

We went to Ean's birthday party yesterday at the Gym Nest.  Kirk loved climbing and jumping on everything.  Kirk has great coordination and strength and he can hold himself up on bars and on the zip line (sideways video below).  I am amazed at his strength sometimes, and even though he is little, he sure is mighty!

We watched the HERD pull off another win last night!  I think Kirk might understand as much about basketball as I do now (maybe more?).  He asked me when one of the players was taking a foul shot, "Is he getting a foul shot, Mama?"  He will be explaining it to me before long, I'm sure.

We have a busy week ahead.  Kirk's Christmas program at day care is this Thursday, as well as a special night at Chick-fil-a with the wonderful ladies from the Barboursville Library.  We are going to make gingerbread houses with them, and I am so excited!  Kirk has been a little bit more interested in the arts lately (maybe from my constant brow beating and craft making....?)  so I hope he will like making a gingerbread house with his Mama.  We have another basketball game next Saturday in Charleston (vs. Cincinnati) and we are going to visit my parents on Sunday.  Whew!  Happy Holidays!

Check out these super cute "girl" reindeer antlers!  When Kirk's teacher at day care told me that one of their songs for the program was "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" I immediately asked if she would like antlers for the kiddos to wear.  I got to work shopping for the antlers, and of course the girls couldn't go without some cute little candy cane stripped bows on theirs!  Of course the bows are attached to clips, so they can remove them afterwards and wear them as cute little holiday bows.  The boys got taller brown antlers, and I'm sure all they will care about is ramming them into each other.  It's a good thing I don't have a girl, right?  How many Mamas of little boys spend hours making hair bows? Ha!  I can't wait to see them on all the kiddos, they are going to look so CUTE! I'm sure it will be worth all my hard work and hot glue gun burns!