Sunday, March 21, 2010


Kirk is such a big boy!  He ate his first meal in his highchair today.  His feet were dangling just a little bit too far out of his Bumbo and we decided it was time to move to the high chair.  He seemed to really like it and looked so big sitting in it.  Now he gets to sit at the table just like Mama and Daddy!
Kirk's crawling skills just keep getting better.  His playmat is now his baby crawling tunnel!  He crawls through it and laughs and makes faces along the way.  He is getting faster and can stop and sit up.  He can reach for toys and hold them while he pulls up on things.  He REALLY likes the DVD player and the TV and can't resist stopping to grab them when he crawls by!

Kirk has found his toy basket and pulls up on it and stands and digs in his toys.  Apparently Jeremy and I don't pick out the good ones for him to play with!  He looks so sneaky in this picture!

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