Sunday, July 31, 2011

People to see and places to go...

Kirk had a great time playing with Katy at the mall.  It was good to see Jill and Katy again.  Katy is a wild little girl and she wasn't afraid of anything!  For some reason, she thought Kirk was hilarious, and she fell down laughing at him!  Kirk had a great time playing, he gets braver every time!

Kirk and I went to bible school at Gramma Debi's church.  Kirk ran around like a wild man the whole time.   He really liked sliding on the "big slide" (inflatable) and he even went on it a few times all by himself!    Kirk had a great time, and really liked the food!  He still talks about eating his "popcorn with Gramma!"  He sure does love his Gramma; he tells me to call her whenever he's upset (usually with me!).  He says, "Call Kirk's Gramma!"  Haha!  I guess he knows she'll get him out of trouble!

Is that the Statue of Liberty?  Or Kirk?  Haha!

Kirk loved drawing on the big paper with markers.  He is a very intense little artist.

He wanted to eat his lunch by Driston.  He is beginning to eat his cupcake in this picture.  He already ate his entire hot dog.  When I ask him about going to Gramma's church, he says, "eat popcorn and cupcakes!"  

Kirk started working early this morning.  He sat down to draw "clues" in his notebook.  He keeps a crayon pushed into the binding of the notebook, so he can retrieve it quickly to draw "clues."  He sure does like Blue's Clues, and his handy dandy notebook is almost full!

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