Sunday, August 21, 2011

Are you ready for some football? Kirk sure is....

The Walkers went to our first football game of the season at Lawrence County High School on Friday, August 19.  Kirk LOVES football, and he yelled and cheered along with his Daddy and everyone around us. He blew his football whistle and loved when the bulldogs ran out of the "doghouse."  He was very concerned about who was in the doghouse after the players came out, and he kept calling Buford the bulldog (mascot) a donkey!  He said, "Well, the donkey is gone." after he left.....haha!  We made it to halftime, and Kirk was still cheering on our way out.  I think it's going to be a fun football season.....bring on the HERD!!!  We are gearing up for our first MU home game on September 10.  We have new seats this year with our friends the Franciscos and we're very close to Dr. Kellar and her family!  Lots of little HERD fans to cheer!  

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