Friday, November 4, 2011

Goodnight, Gorilla

Kirk loves to read books all day long, but especially before bed.  He has loved the book Goodnight, Gorilla from our very first reading.  The book has only a few words, but the zoo setting and the different animals have always interested Kirk and he has chosen it as one of his bedtime books for several months now.  We turn the pages and talk about what is happening, and Kirk is very observant.  He notices the little mouse on every page, dragging the gorilla's banana, and he points out the moon in the picture of the night sky.  Kirk is very good at remembering the words and stories in his favorite books, and many of them we simply have to turn the pages and listen to him "read."  I love to listen to him "read" this book, and his little voice saying "hyena," "armadillo," and "ha-shew" (which is the sleeping sound we make for the Zzzzzz coming out of the gorilla at the end of the book) is so precious I can't stand it!  I wanted to post a little bit of it here for everyone who appreciates him to enjoy!

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