Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Crafty Christmas

I usually only blog stuff about Kirk, but I had to put a few pictures of my school kiddos from our Christmas program at school.  I made all of their snowman shirts....aren't they cute?!  The girl shirts had little bows on them and I made Christmas hairbows for all of them to wear as well.  I thought they all looked so cute, and I was pretty proud of my craftiness!

What precious little girls!  Thank goodness I have some girlies at school that I can make hairbows for!  I'm lucky to get Kirk to stand still long enough for me to put some gel in his hair at home!

Our class performed "I'm a Little Snowman" and "Frosty the Snowman."  The kids did a great job singing and dancing on stage.  It was a lot of work, but it turned out to be a great show!  I'm a little crafted out for a while, though.  Well....until Valentine's Day, anyway! 

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