Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Kirk wasn't too fond of wearing his "mustache" for his Valentine card pictures!  I made the best of it and used  the best of the worst pictures!  They turned out cute, though!  He laughs every time he looks at them!

I am so proud to have two boys to call my "Valentines" this Valentine's Day.  When I think about this amazing little boy and how it all started when "two people fell in love," I get a little lump in my throat.  I still remember how quiet (shy) Jeremy was when I first met him, and I can remember sitting across from him during our first date (at Applebee's.....hahaha!) and how nervous I felt!  I knew quickly that I liked him a lot and I loved how his eyes were so deep dark blue and his eyelashes hung over them.  I thought I'd date him for the summer (of 2000...a long time ago!) and then move on.  Little did I know that he'd steal my heart, and give me a precious little boy with those same deep blue eyes and matching lashes!  I know people are mushy about finding their "soul mate" and I roll my eyes at stuff like that all the time, but Jeremy Walker truly is my soul mate and the best man I know.  He may not shower me with romance, but he'll cook dinner for us after he's driven 6 hours that day, he gets up early with Kirk on the weekends and lets me sleep in, and he'll go out in the cold to fill the gas tank in my car or scrape my windshield free of ice in the morning.  I love him with all my heart and I can't imagine taking one breath without him by my side. I have fallen in love with him all over again watching him become a father to our son.  I am so thankful that our home is so full of love and respect.  Happy Valentines Day to everyone, and I hope you're feeling loved today, too!

Jeremy and I on our honeymoon (Dominican Republic) in June 2003....we hope to go back there next year for our 10th anniversary!

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