Monday, May 21, 2012

Beach Bums

We arrived in Myrtle Beach on Sunday, May 20.  Kirk has had a blast already!  He really liked KIRK'S Ice Cream Parlor, that we stopped at for a treat after dinner last night.  He thought everyone knew that was his name on the sign.....haha!

Chocolate ice cream....yummy!  I think his cheeks, chin, and shirt ate more than he did!

Kirk lounging in his chair....for about 2 minutes

Kirk is showing me his sea shell collection....which is also dinosaur claws and teeth, humpback whale teeth, and tiny animal he said.  I just go along with the imagination...... haha!

Kirk LOVES the ocean!

Kirk wants to jump EVERY wave!  Really.  Every.  Single. One.  Geez.

Kirk loves digging in the sand and filling and unfilling anything.  Yes, those are yogurt containers and a sour cream container.  I don't throw away anything.  Everything can be a toy!

Perfect picture......Kirk is screaming about his "SUPER POWERS!" 

 This picture was taken after he basically chased an elderly couple into the ocean, telling them that they needed to look at his Mommy and Daddy, because he had a very special family, and his Daddy just caught a crab, and that is his very favorite sea creature.....really....I had to pull him away.  I have given him a million lectures about being friendly and not being shy, but I think I may have created either a preacher or a politician!  HA!

Kirk is "surfing" with no surf board.  He kept yelling, "Whoa! Hold on!" 

Jeremy and I are laughing hysterically at Kirk every minute.  He is so excited about EVERYTHING and he is so interested in learning about new things.  We walked on the peir tonight (which he kep calling the "pear" until we went there), and he told us a hundred times that he really needed to fish (there were men there with fishing poles).  When I asked him later what he would catch if he had a fishing pole, he said, "Oh, well, I would just catch a dolphin and a goldfish."  Really?  He also held up his plastic frog potty (that we have to take everywhere with us!) to some strangers in the elevator, and said, "This is my potty.  I pee a huge pile of pee in there."  They laughed, of course.  Kirk has also pushed EVERY button in the elevators the last few days, and he has pushed every number correctly with only us telling him what to push (ex:  "push number 8").  I have also asked him to read the numbers as they count down/up in the number window, and he has gotten them right!  Such a smart, friendly boy! A lady in the pool yesterday said to Jeremy and I, "I really thought my kids were cute, but your son is REALLY cute!"  He is.  And his amazing personality makes him that much cuter!  We are looking forward to the rest of our week.  Myrtle Beach will never be the same!

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