Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thank you, Jesus!

Yesterday I asked Kirk to tell me the prayer that he says at his "school" (day care) before he eats his food, and I was shocked to hear him belt out this precious prayer!  I usually ask him about what he does at school, and I get little to no information.  If I didn't ask specific questions, and speak to his teachers daily, I wouldn't get much out of him each evening at the dinner table.  Miss Jeanette, his teacher, told me the words to the prayer.  The adults speak first, and the children repeat, and if you notice, Kirk just says everything twice!  I thought it was pretty amazing, and really precious!  I am so glad he is taken care of by such wonderful people who teach him to thank God each day.

*Prayer before meals....Cross Roads United Methodist Church Child Care

God our Father (adults)
God our Father (children)
Once again (adults)
Once again (children)
We bow our heads to thank you (adults)
We bow our heads to thank you (children)
Amen (adults)
Amen (children)
Thank you Jesus!  We love you Jesus! (together)

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