Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gritt's Farm

 We went to Gritt's Farm today and had a great time.  Kirk loved the playground, and I loved picking a pumpkin right off the vine!  We walked around in the 10 acre corn maze for a LONG time (Kirk was our fearless leader!) and Jeremy finally found us a way out!  I love everything about fall....the beautiful weather, blue skies, pumpkins, mums, and crunchy leaves.  The farm was beautiful, and a perfect way to end our weekend.

Kirk climbed a rope up the hay bale stacks.  I am amazed at his strength and coordination!

Kirk loved digging in the corn!

We rode the tractor to the corn maze.

Kirk is leading the way....

Kirk & Mama in the corn maze

On our way through the pumpkin patch

Kirk found a great one!

We chose another one, too.  Kirk protected them in the wagon ride down the hill.

Kirk liked the mums I picked out, too.

Isn't fall beautiful?  I love the colors, textures, and the cooler temperatures.  I am so excited about Halloween, and I think Kirk will have so much fun this year.  Jeremy and I are so lucky to be parents to such an amazing kid!  He definitely makes our lives so much better and everything so much more fun.  We are looking forward to more fall fun in the upcoming weeks!

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