It is very hard to believe a new year is a week away! What an amazing year it has been. I cannot believe that this time next year my baby boy will be 4 years old. FOUR. YEARS. OLD. How tragic! I love to see him learn and do new things, but boy is it making me teary that he is so big in my lap these days. I look forward to the new year and all it brings. I resolve to try to be the best mother, wife, teacher, sister, daughter, friend, citizen, and servant that I can be. We have so much to be thankful for, and instead of constantly taking inventory of my shortcomings or faults, I resolve to enjoy my life as it is. We are all wonderfully made, and we should enjoy each day. I have made a few changes this year, and I hope I can continue to make the best choices for my family and myself. We really have a great life, and I want to enjoy it more. Welcome 2013!
I love this picture. What a precious hug from my boy at the HERD game in Charleston on Dec. 15th. I hope I always get hugs like that!
I usually don't post pictures of my school kiddos, but this was a great moment! We have a gift exchange in our classroom each year, and the moment they start to tear into the gifts reminds me why I teach little ones (it was pajama day as well....of course I wore my pajamas, too!) . They are all so excited, and it is amazing to watch. Look at all those little bodies on that carpet with me....I am so lucky to spend my days with them!
Kirk and Bella on Christmas Eve
Kirk's expression is priceless! He was so excited to open his Bat mobile from Gramma Debi!
Kirk pulling things out of his stocking on Christmas morning
Kirk and his glorious Bat Cave....his life is now complete!