Sunday, December 9, 2012

Great resource....

I just found a great site on Pinterest (and if you aren't using Pinterest, you should.  Go there. Now.).  It is rare that I agree totally with any other "expert" working with young kids other than my hero Dr. Becky Bailey (who totally changed my life as a teacher, mother, and should read her stuff too).  This post is from a counselor who has a pretty decent blog.  You should check out this post, and the list of the "10 Things Not to Say to Kids."  If we would all take this advice we'd have more kids who were well adjusted, well behaved, and even tempered.  Read it.  Leave me a comment if there's anything you don't understand.  #1 is my favorite, and most important bit of advice....don't tell kids what NOT to to, tell them what TO DO!  Common sense?  Not for most!

For example, a kiddo who is running in a classroom will hear "WALKING FEET!" from me, not "STOP RUNNING!"  Most of the time, when a child is told what TO DO, they will change their behavior.  Many times when children are told what NOT TO DO, they are left questioning what behaviors are acceptable or expected.  Why create confusion?  Tell them.  Things that are natural to me from working with young kids for 15 years are not natural to others.  Even parents who are highly educated do not always make the best decisions about parenting....especially when dealing with challenging behaviors.  Read it.  You'll be glad you did.


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