Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kick it like Kirk!

Kirk has a few more weeks left of his first soccer season and I can already call it a success. He has boldly walked onto the field for each game and the last 3 games he has scored 6 goals during the game. He enjoys it, our coach is great with the team, and Kirk seems to really understand the rules.  I could almost cry looking at these pictures; he is growing up way too fast.  In a few weeks, he will be finished with day care and looking forward to preschool with me in the fall.  Where has the time gone?  Why is he almost 4 years old?? I try my best everyday to enjoy every minute with him.  He tells me he will always love me, even when he's a big man like Daddy. I know he will.  He is so much fun.  I'm so lucky to be his "soccer mama!"

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