My friends Angel, Amy, and I took our long awaited trip to Nashville last weekend. Amy lives outside of Nashville, so we visited her home and then stayed in the city 2 nights. It was amazing to be by ourselves! We shopped in cute boutiques, ate in restaurants (too much food!) and just walked around with no particular place to go. We talked and laughed and reminisced about our 18 years of friendship.
Printer's Alley was so cute! We had to pose for a picture.
Coyote Ugly was by far the best "people watching" that I have ever done. We laughed and joked all evening. Nashville is made up of ALL KINDS of people. Amy said that the sure sign of a tourist is cowboy boots and/or a hat. Some folks were wearing both. Nashville residents don't walk around in cowboy boots and hats. They just don't.
So the cowboys that took our picture asked to be IN a picture. Whatever. The hats and bow ties are too much, haha!
We THOUGHT this was a well lit area on the street (not so much). We had such a good time and it was nice to check out of my mommy/wife life for a few days. I did miss my boys, though, and they had a blast on their camping trip (pictures to come in my next post).
I have a "yoga quote of the day" app on my phone, and I got this quote while I was away in Nashville. We had declared our trip "no social media weekend" and had agreed to not post pictures on any social media so we wouldn't hurt any of our other friend's feelings about not being invited/able to come, etc. We also talked about how we are so glad we went to college BEFORE social media posted pictures of our every move. We also talked about how it makes us feel sometimes....less than others, bad mothers/wives, down about our lives and comparing ourselves to others. This quote put life into perspective for me. Accept what is. Be present in your life right now and know that it is exactly what it should be. I had so much fun on the trip BECAUSE I am almost 40lbs lighter. I am healthier. We walked 2-3 miles each day. I couldn't have done that a year ago. My clothes are smaller (and cuter). I get compliments from strangers. I have been on a journey with my weight and improving what is INSIDE me for over a year now. The journey is exactly as it should be. Embrace imperfection. Have compassion. My yoga practice teaches me these things, and I must work harder to accept it. I need to remember "namaste" means there is divine in me, too.
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