Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer days...

Kirk really likes his new "big boy" car seat!

This is a picture of Kirk's first time in his little pool in our backyard.  He reminds me of Animal from the Muppets!  He splashes as hard as he can and laughs when water gets in his face.  We are headed to Myrtle Beach in a few weeks, so we'll see what he does with the big water!

Kirk loves all of his new table foods, especially diced carrots!  He really likes eating them with his hair styled in a mohawk! 

Kirk has a new fondness of exlporing underneath things.  This is a picture of him starting to shimmy on his back underneath a dining room chair.  He squats down and looks underneath furniture and rolls his toys underneath things just so he can get down and look for them!

Kirk and I started Time For Music classes last week.  We are in class with cousins Bella and Holden, and our friend Caden.  We get to sing, dance, and play instruments.  Kirk seems to like anything that isn't too loud and really likes Miss Joni's balls and shakers.

It's Kirk's turn to play Miss Joni's guitar.  He usually grabs the strings and won't let go!

These are a few of Kirk's nine month pictures.  He posed and smiled so cute!  We think they turned out great!

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