Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Kirk, Jeremy, and I spent our 4th of July at the Chapman family reunion campout.  Kirk REALLY liked being pushed around in this little pink car!  Kelsey is pushing him in this picture and he is steering the wheel like he is really going somewhere.  He laughed and smiled the whole time.  Several people took turns pushing him around in the heat.  We think Kirk was trying to tell us that he would LOVE a car like this (in more masculine colors) for his birthday!  He had a blast!

Kirk is hanging out with Gramma Debi.  He was forced to take a break from the pink car!

Poor Astro.  I think this is only the beginning of his torture.  I took this picture right before Kirk put Astro's ear in his mouth.  Astro just sits there and looks pitiful and disgusted.  I think he dreams about his life before Kirk pulled his ears and pinched his tail.  Maybe that's why Astro has started chewing up his toys....retalliation?

I had to include this picture of Astro pretending to be a cat!  Apparently he enjoyed laying on the back of Neuhaus's couch while we were in Myrtle Beach and thought that he should find a place to continue his window watching at our house.  I almost screamed when I walked into the living room and saw him on the back of this chair.  First of all, how did he get up there without disturbing a thing, and second of all....why would he want to teeter himself on the back of a chair??  It's crazy, but that's Astro.  He's a bit of a strange dog.  I think he is confused about his identity.  I swear Kirk's first clear words will be, "Astro, HUSH!"  Hahaha!

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