Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kirk is eleven months old!

     It is SO hard to believe my baby boy is eleven months old!  It is even harder to believe that he is walking!  He took off walking across our living room floor on Sunday, July 11th, and hasn't stopped since.  He still drops down to crawl when he wants to be really speedy, but he is taking off more and more on foot.  He smiles and giggles while he's doing it....he's so proud of himself!  He likes to roll balls back and forth and push buttons on anything.  He has started taking off giggling when we say, "I'm gonna get you!" and tries to get away from Jeremy and I.  He likes to play "baby races" with us and hold our hands while we "run" fast. 

     He has really become interested in building a relationship with Astro (to his dismay).  He looks under blankets on our couch for him (Astro likes to burrow).  Kirk can turn pages in a book and has really shown interest in books with babies in them.  He LOVES to watch Jeremy mow the grass and likes anything on wheels.  He is a great eater and eats just about anything.  Some new foods we've tried lately are avacado and kiwi.  He still really loves yogurt, blueberries, and bananas.

This is a picture of Kirk's first steps (well, the second set of steps, the first ones we were too busy clapping and cheering!) 
Go Kirk, go!
Ok, so neither one of them looks very happy...haha!  Kirk was forced to "pet Astro gentle" (I tell him this all the time, especially when he tries to whack Astro to death!) and Astro was forced to endure it.  They will love each other someday!

Birthday Celebration
Kirk's birthday is coming soon!  For those of you who have asked what he would like for his birthday, I thought I would include a short list of ideas...
  • 18 month clothes, pajamas, and size 4 shoes and socks
  • large bibs with snaps (he is a MESSY boy)
  • any toys that he can push or manipulate (cause and effect)
  • outside toys (he loves bubbles...a battery operated bubble blower would be great!)
  • anything he can ride on or in (He LOVED the pink push car pictured in the previous post!)
  • Barney or Elmo DVDs (He has taken a liking to these guys.  He bounces and giggles when Barney sings!)
  • anything that plays music, he loves to sing and dance!
  • Board books of any type  (sturdy enough that he can't rip or tear them easily)
  • musical instruments (he loves to shake and bang things)
  • Marshall shirts/clothes to wear to football games this fall....GO HERD!

Kirk really likes anything.  He is starting to be much more "active" and is a little rough on things sometimes, so just make sure anything you get him is durable!  We are so thankful that he has so many people who love him and want to celebrate his birthday!  It is hard to believe a year has gone by and that he has grown so much!

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