Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kirk has been busy!

Kirk went to Tanner's "Rock Star" birthday party on Saturday, September 4.  He liked chewing on the plastic guitars!

We went to Wal-Mart to exchange some birthday gifts.  Kirk really liked this football!

Kirk liked hanging out with the big boys at the MU tailgate.  He liked playing with their cars.

Kirk with Mommy and Marco at the tailgate

Kirk is ready for some football!

Kirk had a great time at Riley's 2nd birthday party!   He  liked playing in Riley's princess ball castle with Molly.

He also liked all of Riley's push toys.  He cried when we had to go home!

We went with the Francisco's on their boat on Sunday, September 12.  Kirk really liked the water and the rumble of the boat.

Jill let Kirk drive the boat!  He loved the steering wheel!

He liked hanging out in the chair all by himself.  I think he really might be "Captain Kirk!"

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