Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kirk's one year pictures are fabulous!

Here are a few of Kirk's one year pictures.  It was soooo hard to choose which ones to order! 

You can see the rest at this link: 

Thanks to Jeff Burdick for all of the pictures he's taken of Kirk throughout his first year!

How cute is this?  VERY CUTE!!!

     Kirk liked the cake I made for his picture session, but not as much as he loved Pat's cake at his birthday party!  He tried to eat the #1 candle, which was really funny.  The craziest thing is that Jeff took about 400 pictures of Jeremy, Kirk, and I in about 20 minutes.  That included Kirk's outfit changes and eating his cake.   Kirk moves REALLY FAST these days...I think Jeremy and I are going to have to really speed up!  Hahaha...I hope you enjoy the pictures, and thanks for your love and support for Kirk and our family.  If you're reading this, you must care about us, and we appreciate you so much!  We are so incredibly blessed and are thankful for everything!  We look forward to all the years to come with our little boy!

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