Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby business...

Kirk loves his bathtub bubble machine that we got him for his birthday.  He demands that it be turned on at the beginning of every bath!

Kirk and his Poppy

We went to visit the Gibsons in Lexington on Saturday, August 28.  Kirk shared his puffs with Suzana.  He loved playing with her and she was so good to him. 
She will be a great big sister soon!

playing outside at the Gibson's

Kirk liked the swings

He really liked Suzana's kitchen, especially all the doors to open and close!

Suzana tried to teach him how to open all the animals.  She had a toy just like his!

We had a great time visiting with Suzana and Rachael (Josh had to work all  We are all so excited to meet new baby Leo when he comes.  I know Suzana will be a great big sister and will love helping her new baby brother.  Kirk is excited to have 2 Gibsons to play with soon!

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