Sunday, November 27, 2011

H-E-R-D....GOooooo Herd!

I know I've posted many pictures of my family at football games this season, but I got a few more cute ones this past Saturday.  MU played ECU, and as much as I secretly wish football games were only about an hour long, I really enjoyed myself at this game.  It was a close one, and even went in to overtime, and thankfully, the Herd pulled it off.  I have to think that it is because Kirk has learned to cheer so loudly!  In the picture above, he is yelling "GO Her-wad" in Jeremy's face!  He has also learned another cheer, "H-E-R-C-V-B-D....Go Marshall!"  Haha!  That's his version of the cheer, anyway.  It does warm my heart (and makes his Daddy's heart almost melt!) to see how much he has grown to love football.  He wakes up on Saturday mornings, and tells us he's ready to go to the football game!  I am thankful for our friends that we tailgate with and sit with at the games, they make Herd football so much more fun.  We had a great season, and I can't wait to see what Kirk can say and do next year!

Kirk's 2nd quarter nap...look at those beautiful eyelashes!

Kirk is saying that the Herd is #1!

Kirk is exaggerating his "cheese" just a little....

Kirk's silly green hair, he thought this was hilarious!

The Walkers are now looking forward to Herd basketball.  Kirk loves the games, and we've just begun the season.  I'll post pictures soon!  

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