Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Trick or treat.....thank you!

Kirk and I practiced for our trick or treat experience.  He was very good at saying "trick or treat!" and "thank you!" after he got some candy.  He insisted on carrying his own spider bag, and was very serious about his candy.  He inspected every piece, and reported on everyone he saw.  He didn't like the "sceery" costumes very much at all, and once when we left a house with 2 dogs on the porch, he said, "Shew!  We made it past the dogs!  That was close!"  I laughed forever!  He is hilarious, and he loved wearing his cowboy costume.  When people would tell him he looked cute, he would tell me, "That lady said I'm a cute cowboy!"  

candy at Mike and Rena Black's

Kirk was getting pretty good at it after about three blocks!

Kirk the cowboy and cousin Bella the strawberry

Kirk and Gramma Debi

Kirk had a great time on Halloween.  He was very interested in everyone's costumes, and he found some new candy that he really likes (Whoppers!).  He was very good, and walked the whole way.  He even told a few people "Yee Haw!"  I loved watching my little cowboy and I am amazed at how quickly our holidays and celebrations are changing as he grows and learns!

Kirk on Halloween 2010 (14 months old)

Kirk and Bella on Halloween 2009 (Kirk 2 months old!)
Look how little they were! (I'm wiping a tear as I type!)

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