Saturday, January 28, 2012

Our first "school" pictures!

     Kirk had his first "school" pictures taken at Cross Roads Child Care on Thursday, January 19.  He practiced his smile for days and we talked about how to take a "handsome" picture.  I was SO NERVOUS about him taking pictures away from me, but they turned out great!  They look even better, when you consider that just a few minutes after he got home from school that day, he started throwing up and had an awful stomach bug!  He is posing in the picture below with his teachers (from left to right) Miss Jessie and Miss Judy.  He loves them very much, and talks about them every day. 

      I cannot put into words how thankful I am for them and for Cross Roads!  They take care of my most precious possession every day, and I know that he is happy and safe.  He has learned so much and enjoys playing with his friends each day.  Anyone who knows me knows how critical I am, especially about Kirk's care.  I cannot thank these ladies (and all his other teachers) enough for what they do for our family each weekday.  Kirk loves his "school" and we do too!  

Kirk's 2 year old class, January 2012

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