Sunday, March 17, 2013

A True Friend

"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is truly a friend." ~ Plautus

I wanted to do a quick post for my dear friend.  As I type today, I realize I've been friends with this amazing woman for 17 years.  I met her in the halls of Twin Towers West in the fall of 1996.  We were all new to Marshall University; brand new lost little freshman.  We became quick friends, and we had some amazing fun together.  We later became sorority sisters, classmates, roommates, and obviously lifetime friends.  We have shared our lives together, and no matter where life has taken her, I know that she is and will always be my friend.  She has endured such loss and sadness, and such joy (with her three amazing kiddos).  I'm so blessed to share it all with her.  I pray that God will keep her close and heal her heart as she faces another loss.  She has always been there for me when it mattered.  Our families are connected, and our hearts are connected.  If you pray, please say a little prayer for God's healing for her heart, and pray that those around her can give her some comfort.  

(This picture was taken at the Character Breakfast in 2006...not that we wouldn't just dress up for the heck of it! Haha!)

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