Saturday, July 6, 2013

"It takes a long time to grow an old friend." -John Leonard

I had a great week.  One of my very best friends FINALLY moved back to Huntington.  After 6 years of residency and fellowship, her husband is now working for Radiology Inc., and their family has landed back in Huntington.  It feels good to have my friend so close again.  I went to dinner with another friend tonight, and we had a lot of fun talking and laughing.  I have been friends with both of these women for 17 years.  That is a long time.  I was thinking tonight on my way back from dinner how amazing it is that Jeremy and I have so many good friends in our lives....people we have held relationships with for almost 20 years.  I also heard this song on the radio on my way home, which reminded me of our college days....hanging out in the sorority house, laughing, talking for was so fun... amazing memories I will cherish forever.  I remember hearing this song playing when we were listening to the radio on a Thursday night getting ready to go out, or while we were sitting on a bar stool at the Union.  Good times.  I was surrounded by people that I would still be friends with in 17 years....who knew?   I'm so glad.  I look forward to having my good friends close, and sharing our lives and our kiddos.   

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