Sunday, February 24, 2013


Kirk was very excited to attend his friend Christian's birthday party today.  We knew "the real Batman" was going to be there and Kirk finally had his "plastic mask for Batman to autograph" (I got it yesterday at Target!).  Kirk promised to not be afraid, "not even a tiny little bit" before we got there, and boy did he deliver.  He practically stalked Batman all over the party premises, and he was very happy to pose by the "Bat-Hummer" with Batman in the picture above.  He is wearing a pretty big smile, I think.

His dream came true, and he got his plastic mask autographed.  He also informed me that he now wants to be Batman when he grows up, not a construction worker or a veterinarian.  Ok, I'll take long as he has a "job," I guess.....? 

Kirk and his super hero loving pals gathered around the Bat Hummer...they all loved it!
(l to r) Kirk, Drew, Holden, and birthday boy Christian

Happy birthday, Christian....thanks for a "Bat-tastic" party!!

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