Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine's Day sweat shop

So of course another holiday means that I have taken on another ridiculous amount of craft projects at home and school!  The picture above is the "super hero suckers" that I made for Kirk's classmates.  They were fun to make and Kirk loved the Batman ones, of course.  I also created/printed the photo Valentine cards pictured below to send out to family and friends and to include the the bags we made for Kirk's class.  

I have also made 15 (of 18) photo tiles (pendants) for my kiddos at school to give to their moms for our preschool "Mom's Day" Valentine's Day dance on Thursday. I also have 2 more projects to make for school by Thursday.  Shew.  And now Kirk has the flu.  As always, I will be cutting, laminating, and hot gluing down to the wire....and I will love it!  I will post pictures of my school projects soon, the pendants turned out great, and I can't wait to see my kiddos' mamas when they open up thier gift bags!

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