Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cool like Kirk

Kirk, Jeremy, and I enjoyed a walk in the park.  Kirk is wearing his little ball cute!

I put Kirk in bed with Jeremy one morning last week after I fed him so I could get ready for work.  I had to snap this picture of the two of them sleeping side by side.  Jeremy just needs a paci to look just like him, huh?  Funny!

Kirk really likes to play outside.  I took a blanket and his cookie jar outside today so we could enjoy the beautiful weather.  Kirk seemed to like watching his daddy mow the grass most of all.  I'm excited for the summer days ahead.  We'll have lots of time to play outside!

Kirk is eating some "Easy Mac" macaroni and cheese.  Notice the little noodle hanging in his hair...nice, huh?  Astro is loving this new solid foods thing, he gets lots of snacks!

I started giving Kirk some solid foods this week.  We had sweet potatoes for dinner on one night, so I thought I'd scoop out a little bit of mine and give it to Kirk.  He did seem to like it, and did get a bit of it in his mouth!  He seemed to really like smearing it all over his tray, hands, face, hair, etc.  He has also learned a new trick-pulling off his velcro bibs!  I had to dig out all of our bibs with snaps on them, and he still pulls and pulls.  He also tried chunks of peaches and real Cheerios.  He gnaws and gums his food for a while and then swallows it down.  We've got lots of new things to try this week.  He is so funny with new foods and I think he will need a bath after each meal!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kirk is nine months old!

It is so hard to believe nine months have gone by! My little baby is growing up way too fast! He is crawling all over the place and starting to stand up and let go. He can stand by himself for a few seconds and Jeremy and I are amazed at how strong he is. He can shake his head "no," although it seems he does it at very inappropriate times (like when we're trying to feed him!). He says "mama" and "dada" and a few other sound combinations. His bottom two teeth are coming in quickly and they are very sharp! He still likes to eat everything and has enjoyed some of the foods I made for him. He really likes bubbles and being outside. He really loves to play with his toys and is paying much closer attention to things these days. He likes his basketball hoop that Auntie Megan got him and his new hammer that Daddy got him. He also really enjoys his ball popper that Daddy got him, I included a picture of him playing with it below.  Ok, so maybe he likes eating the balls, but that's fine, too!  Ha ha! 

Kirk is so funny playing with this toy, he puts his hand over the hole that is blowing air and the balls can't "pop" out!  We have to keep removing his hand so that the balls can come out and move around.  He also likes to stand over the hole so his hair blows in the breeze...he is a funny little guy!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

     What an amazing thing it is to be a mother.  As I celebrate my first mother's day with my sweet baby boy, I look back on how my life has lead me to this wonderful place.  I remember the joy I felt during my college years, hanging out with friends and having the "time of my life."  I think about how proud I was to graduate from college and graduate school.  I remember meeting Jeremy and feeling the butterflies in my tummy each time he held my hand.  I remember standing at the altar on my wedding day, thinking that it would be the best day of my life.  I remember my first group of students and how I loved becoming a teacher.  All of those moments are still important to me, but they fade in the shadow of my precious baby boy.  Each day is so much brighter, each laugh feels so much better, and my smiles are so much bigger.  I watch him explore the world with no judgement, no fear, and full of love. 
     I never imagined that I could feel this much love and look to the future with so much hope and anticipation.  I feel like my heart is outside of my body.  He takes it with him wherever he goes, and I don't want that to be too far away from me.  I want to make the world a better place so that he can enjoy his life and be successful.  I want him to feel supported and challenged each day.  I want him to know that his mama loves him more than she ever thought possible.  Jeremy and I are so incredibly blessed to have him in our lives.  I want to enjoy each day...laughs, tears, bumps, bruises, hugs, kisses, and most of all, love.  Thank you, Walker boys, for making me a mother.  Life is so much sweeter.
Kirk during our Mother's Day lunch at Chili Willis
"You are so precious to me, sweet as can be, baby of mine".....Baby of Mine, Dumbo
(my favorite Disney tune)