Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kirk is nine months old!

It is so hard to believe nine months have gone by! My little baby is growing up way too fast! He is crawling all over the place and starting to stand up and let go. He can stand by himself for a few seconds and Jeremy and I are amazed at how strong he is. He can shake his head "no," although it seems he does it at very inappropriate times (like when we're trying to feed him!). He says "mama" and "dada" and a few other sound combinations. His bottom two teeth are coming in quickly and they are very sharp! He still likes to eat everything and has enjoyed some of the foods I made for him. He really likes bubbles and being outside. He really loves to play with his toys and is paying much closer attention to things these days. He likes his basketball hoop that Auntie Megan got him and his new hammer that Daddy got him. He also really enjoys his ball popper that Daddy got him, I included a picture of him playing with it below.  Ok, so maybe he likes eating the balls, but that's fine, too!  Ha ha! 

Kirk is so funny playing with this toy, he puts his hand over the hole that is blowing air and the balls can't "pop" out!  We have to keep removing his hand so that the balls can come out and move around.  He also likes to stand over the hole so his hair blows in the breeze...he is a funny little guy!

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