Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy 6th birthday, Tanner!

Kirk was excited to celebrate Tanner's birthday with him at Jump Around on Friday, August 26th.  Kirk jumped right in with Tanner and his friends on the inflatables, and even let his Daddy and I climb and jump with him some.  The video above is so hilarious, and the laughing in the background is me.  Tanner is pushing Kirk up the slide with his head, and I laughed the whole time.  Poor Tanner broke a sweat lifting Kirk up there, and I almost peed my pants.  Poppy is talking to him the whole time, encouraging them to get up to the top.  Kirk had so much fun, and kept yelling at Tanner and his Poppy to "Watch me!  Look at me!"

Kirk liked playing with Tanner and his friends.

Tanner blowing out his candles

Tanner with his DS game from us, Lego Pirates of the Carribean....Kirk is enjoying a cupcake, of course!

Kirk is telling his Poppy what he is "bout to do."  He was crawling through the tunnel and bouncing on the other side!

Kirk and Jeremy enjoyed drawing on his new Aqua Doodle this morning.  Kirk was amazed by stencils and drew lots of "snakes."  He also likes giving directions, like "Daddy, draw a car!"  Maybe he'll be a teacher someday like his Mama.....?

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