Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Costume preview

Here are some preview pictures of Kirk's cowboy Halloween costume!  My sorority sister, Courtney,  made the vest and put the patches on a pair of Kirk's jeans.  Kirk LOVES cowboys, and I got the idea a few weeks ago, when his day care teacher told me that he wears the dress up cowboy hat every day.  She said he gallops around the room and says "Yee-Haw" and pretends to pull on his horse!  When I showed him these pictures, he said, "Well, I need my hat and horse!"  I'm now on the lookout for the things I need to complete the costume, and personalize it for Kirk.  He will love a belt buckle that says "Kirk" on it!  I love Halloween, and having a little boy to dress up is too much fun!

Check out Courtney's work!  She makes clothes, costumes, and accessories for kiddos!  
I love all of her stuff, she is so talented and creative!

Look up her boutique on Facebook!

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