Tuesday, August 7, 2012



So, Kirk ALMOST made it to three years old without stitches.....ouch!  He fell at day care yesterday and cut his lip.  Miss Jeanette called me at work and said she thought he needed a stitch, her voice was shaky, and I know she was so nervous!  Jeremy got to Kirk quickly, and they were done at the ER by the time I got home from Louisa (thank GOODNESS!).  Jeremy said Kirk was brave and never even cried.  He was still and calm the whole time.  Jeremy said the doctor asked him if he liked Marshall football, and he said, "Yeah, me and my Mommy and Daddy go to Marshall football games!"  The doctor then told Kirk that she had stitched up a Marshall football player the day before and that Kirk was much braver than him.  HA!  I'm proud of my tough boy, but very worried that he's not too scared to take another trip back to the hospital.   How am I going to live through this wild boy?

  The stitch comes out Friday, and I've promised a big ice cream at Tropical Moon with lots of sprinkles if he's super brave again.  Something tells me he will be........

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