Sunday, April 29, 2012

high five for Friday, (and Saturday, and Sunday...)

I seriously slacked off this week on my Friday blog post!  I did so well for so long, and now I'm posting was bound to happen sooner or later!  Anyone who knows me knows I am late for everything!

Anyway, it was a pretty uneventful week, but I can easily find 5 things to talk about:

1.  I visited my student's homes this week.  Part of our preschool program is "home visits" which we do twice a year.  We do them to get to know our kids and their families, and to help build our relationships.  My kiddos were SO EXCITED to see me at their homes, and most of them had to pull out toys to show me or take me to their bedrooms.  It is nice to see them at home.  It also helps me to remember where they are, what they come from, and where they are headed.  I think all teachers should do home visits.  It really puts your students into perspective.

2.  I had no homework for my MSU class.  A free week!  Yippie!  Only one week till my final, and another class down!  I'm still holding strong with a 4.0 !

3.  We had a nice dinner out at the Outback on Friday evening (thanks for the gift card Mom & Dad!!) .  Kirk has made dining out not so pleasant recently....I think it's just a part of being almost three years old.  Friday he was well behaved, ate his food, and he enjoyed his new "Action Chugger" train (Chuggington) that we got at Toys R' Us when we went to get his friend Ella a birthday gift.  No tantrums, crying, or screaming.  It was nice to have a good day/evening!

4.  I went to a "sprinkle" (not a shower...haha!) for my friend and OBGYN, Andea Kellar on Saturday morning.  It was good to see friends and celebrate Andrea's baby #2 (a girl!).  I wish her luck in being a mother to 2....I'm not sure I could do it!

5.  We went to the Green & White game on Saturday afternoon.  It was great to see friends, tailgate, and good to be back in the stadium.  Kirk had to take his football and football helmet.  He ran his legs off chasing the ball when J.D. threw it.  They had a great time, and I think Kirk is really going to love this football season!  He's excited that he gets his OWN seat this year!  GO HERD!

I took a few pictures at the game, I'll have to post those later.  We only made about an hour in because it started to rain, but we had a good time anyway.  Kirk slept for almost three hours when we got home!

I'm looking forward to my last full week of work (last day May 7) !!!!!  I can't believe my summer is already here.  I am looking forward to spending time with Kirk and catching up on things around the house.  We only have three weeks until we leave for Myrtle Beach!  I'm so excited to see Kirk at the beach again, he tells me everyday what he's going to do there....."build a HUGE-MON-GUS sandcastle, swim in the ocean, find some sea shells, and catch a sea turtle." I don't know about the sea turtle, but we can probably do the rest!

Have a great week!

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