Friday, April 6, 2012

High Five For Friday!

So, it's Friday again, and I'm three weeks into my weekly "High Five For Friday" posts, and still going strong!  I really do like these planned weekly posts, and it actually helps me appreciate each week, instead of just letting it fly by.  This week, of course, has flown by.....since I was on spring break!  Kirk and I went to visit Rachael and her family in Lexington, and Kirk had a great time playing with Suzana and Leo.  We are looking forward to Easter with our family, and Kirk is excited about what he might get from the Easter Bunny.  He sure wants his basket, but he wouldn't go near the bunny at the mall.  He said he was "WAY TOO GIANT!" I kind of over sized, cartoon looking bunny?  Kind of creepy.....

Anyway, here are my top five things from this week, in no particular order....

1.  We had time before music class this week to walk around on campus a bit.  Kirk loved running in Buskirk Field, and walking around the Student Center.  I loved hearing all the, "Ooooh, he's so cute!" from the college girls.  He just smiled and waved, what a ladies man!

2.  We visited Rachael, Suzana, Leo & Josh in Lexington on Tuesday and Wednesday.  We had a great time, and it is nice to get our kiddos together and know that they haven't forgotten about each other!  Kirk loves Suzana very much, and he really looks up to her and she takes such good care of him!  They rode around in her Barbie jeep, played in her play kitchen, and played tunes on her piano.  Kirk went along with everything she said.  On the way home, Kirk was asking me when we could go back!  

Group bath....Leo liked playing with them from outside the tub!

Suzana leading Kirk up the inflatable at Monkey Joe's

Kirk on the little merry go round at Monkey Joe's

3.  I got NEW TOMS!  How exciting is that?  I have been drooling over them for months now, and honestly couldn't make up my mind on what I wanted.....glitter, canvas, black, silver....too many choices!  I finally decided on the gray ones, and I ordered them a week ago and they finally came.  I love them, they are so comfortable.  What's even better about the company is that for every pair of shoes that is purchased, a child in a third world country gets a pair as well.  The company's "One for One" slogan means that a pair of shoes is donated each time a pair is purchased.  How amazing is that?  There are tons of pictures on the website of kiddos running around in the shoes.  The style of shoes is modeled after traditional Argentinean shoes. I love the company, and love my new TOMS!

4.  Tomorrow evening, (which is actually still part of my week) one of my best friends Angel Blake, will join the Catholic Church at St. Joseph. I'm very excited and very proud of her.  Her husband Brad is a "cradle Catholic" like me (just means we were raised Catholic).  She made this decision for her family, and will raise her children in the church as well. God bless the Blakes during this exciting time, and we look forward to sharing our faith with them!

5.  The best part of this week by far has been spending some extra time with my precious boy.  I am counting down the days until my summer vacation starts (21 school days). He is so amazing to watch, and he makes me laugh hysterically several times a day.  We've got lots of "adventures" to go on, and things to do together.  I think it's going to be my best summer yet!

On another happy note, one of my butterflies hatched today!  I order caterpillars every year for my school kiddos so they can observe the life cycle.  I've never had to worry about spring break (we usually don't get one because of snow days), so I had to bring my cocoons home, and our first butterfly hatched today.  Kirk is amazed, and I know my students will be too.  I hope to have them all hatched by Monday, so we can have our butterfly release party!  It's so beautiful watching them fly away!

I hope you had a great week, and a wonderful Easter weekend!  Take time to enjoy all your blessings!  Happy Easter!

Kirk's first Easter, 2010

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