Saturday, March 31, 2012

Swimming like a fish....

This picture cracks me up!  We had a great time at J.D.'s birthday party at the MU Rec. Center pool today.  Kirk jumped in the water and was ready to swim away in minutes.  He LOVED being in the water, and he wanted me to "let go" of him so he could swim by himself.  I gave him a few mini lessons on paddling his arms and kicking his feet. He did great, and wasn't afraid to jump off he wall or go under the water.  I think he's going to be a great little swimmer!

His new life jacket worked GREAT!  Thank you so much, Meme and Poppy!

Kirk loved the "vortex" pool that moved the water around in a circle.  It was cool, but I got dizzy after a few times around!

Kirk climbed on the stairs and the wall all by himself.

Kirk is showing off his muscles lifting this water weight....haha!

Isn't this cake cute?  I loved it.  I'm so happy we got to spend the day with our friends.  I'm also so glad Kirk loves the water like his Mama.  I can't wait for our trip to the beach and our summer at the pool.  We will enjoy the water together!

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