Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Last Tuesday, October 16, Kirk was my handsome date for "Mother & Son Date Knight" at Chick-fil-a.  Kirk thought it was funny that the people there waiting on us, and that there were candles and flowers on the table.  Kirk seemed to like the special day just for us and kept telling me that "only boys and Mamas are allowed here for 'Mother & Son date night!"  He was a very good date, even if I did have to pick up the tab.  Haha!

One of my preschool students, Abby Queen, had a fun Halloween party on Saturday, October 21.  Kirk had a great time playing in her big back yard.  He loved her trampoline and he had a great time playing with Abby and the other kids there.  Kirk was proud to show off his Ironman costume, and he showed everyone how Ironman flies through the sky.  He also painted a pumpkin....look at that left handed super hero!  He is so artistic...haha....he had to cover almost every inch!

Alice (Abby) and Kirk

"Alright Squadies, time to HERO UP!"

Look at this awesome family!  The Queen family had a great party, and we're so glad we got to attend.  Abby is such a sweet little girl, and I'm so lucky to be her teacher.  I'm so glad I've gotten to know another amazing family!  Happy Halloween!

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