Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye, 2013!

2013 was a great year.  My baby boy turned 4, which is so hard to believe.  We are half way through our school year together, which is going surprisingly well.  He has learned to read a little, write a lot, and is by far the smartest kiddo in my class.  I am proud to be his Mama and his teacher.  Jeremy and I celebrated 10 years of marriage, we went on an amazing Disney cruise, and I ended the year 30 lbs. lighter than I started it.  It was a great year.

Kirk had a great Christmas!  He was so excited about everything this year, and nothing makes me smile more than how much he believes in magic.

Merry Christmas from the Walkers!  We got an impressive number of Christmas cards this year.  I'm glad because I fear that social media somehow is taking the place of "snail mail" and proper invitations to events and Christmas cards.  I love getting personal mail, and Kirk does too. 

Do you feel the holiday cheer that Special Agent Walker is spreading with his spy goggles?  He loves them, and this picture makes me crack up!  He is so much fun, and I look forward to what 2014 will bring to our family.
      Our resolutions for 2014??  I will keep working on my health and my weight.  I have come to realize that your weight literally affects EVERYTHING in your life.  I feel better, have more energy, and more confidence than I have in a long time.  My health is better, and hopefully continued weight loss will help manage my blood pressure issues.  My thyroid and cholesterol numbers are the best they have ever been. If you are reading this and considering a lifestyle change for better health- Weight Watchers WORKS.  It really does.  I recommend it for anyone.  I am committed to being the best I can be for my husband and my son.
      Kirk and I will keep working on his academic skills, and becoming more independent.  It will be hard for us to be apart next school year after we have spent so much time together. I have heart palpitations when I think about sending my baby boy to kindergarten.  Whew.  It will be rough.  I just have to make sure he is as competent as he can be and pray for God to send us the best teacher for him.  I know Jeremy will keep working to help his business grow and prosper.  He will  help Kirk develop his athletic skills (haha!) and hopefully he can begin to teach Kirk to golf (since I got Jeremy a 3 year golf membership for Christmas!).  We are looking forward to a week long Disney trip in October 2014.  Kirk and I are sure to have a fun summer filled with swimming and sunshine (and swim lessons for Kirk).  I will cherish the rest of the school year with him and I will continue to be thankful for all that we have.  Welcome, 2014! 

Friday, November 29, 2013

What goes around comes back around.....

       I waited for 7 months to see Justin Timberlake in concert.  I was SO EXCITED.  I had already seen him in concert twice before, but it had been 6 years since he had a concert tour.  I went with my sisters and my friend Angel.  We all love Justin dearly, and we were super excited to be in the same room with him for the 4 hour concert.  I was having an amazing time until I realized at intermission that my (month old) new iphone 5S was gone.  GONE.  Completely gone.  I ran back in the bathroom after I made the discovery looking for it everywhere.  Nothing.  I went to lost and found.  Nothing.  About 10 minutes after intermission, I gave up and called Jeremy and declared it gone. I knew it was stolen, not lost.  Someone had stolen it from me, either out of my purse, or off the floor when I dropped it (trying to put it in my purse....but I cannot imagine I didn't hear it fall....).  
        Jeremy was fine, and handled it without getting mad or yelling (although I know he wanted to).  He told me to get back to the concert and not worry about it.  But I did.  I still had a great time, but it definitely dampened my mood.  There's just something about having things STOLEN from you (if you haven't ever experienced it, thank God.  Now.).  It gives you this sick pit in the bottom of your stomach.  It makes you mad and sad at the same time.  It makes you feel violated and stupid.  It's not like I haven't had things stolen from me before, much more expensive things, but I had forgotten how disgusting it makes you feel.          

       Although I was falling in love with Justin (over and over again) at the beginning of every song, I felt that sick pit reminding me of the terrible, dishonest, disgusting world that my son is growing up in.  It grounded me.  And after 4 days without a phone, I was so happy to get that replacement phone in my hand.  I will definitely hold on to this one tighter, and I thought about the dirty thief with my phone when JT sang "What goes around comes back around..."  because, I know it does.

This is a preview of our Christmas pictures with Betsy Lynn...how cute is Kirk? 

Cutest HERD fan ever

Happy Thanksgiving! Erin and I were proud of our Thanksgiving dinner that we made ourselves.  It was nice to have such a relaxing Thanksgiving.  We had a few successes and a few flops, but everything turned out just fine.  

I talked Jill into doing the Turkey Trot with me, and although it was 19 degrees, we shaved 7 minutes off our time!  I'm so glad to have a great friend to "power walk" with!

I'm thankful for these friends that I've had for 17 years....WOW.  Is that possible?  17 years?!?  We are getting old....but we still look good!  HA!  We all came out to Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning!

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!  Hopefully, we can get our Christmas decorations out this weekend.  We are excited about the HERD win, and we are hoping for a home championship game next weekend!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

being thankful...

It has been a ridiculous long time since I posted!  I have been so busy lately and I have missed the time I usually take to slow down and appreciate my life in writing.  The picture above is the inside of my classroom door.  The students told me something that "lifts them up" or makes them happy....Kirk said "Making cards to make my Gramma feel better."  He is talking about my Gramma Sullivan who is currently healing up from a fall and awaiting another bypass surgery.  My heart stops when I think about something happening to her.  She is my only grandparent and my absolute favorite family member.  I have always felt so special to her, and I hope Kirk's cards really did help "lift her up."  Another kiddo said that "my friend Kirk" made him smile.  That makes me smile, too.

How funny is this little boy?  I love that he is so carefree and happy. 

 I see my kiddos at school deal with stress and family problems, and it makes my heart and mind hurt.  A few weeks ago, one of my little kiddos told me that his tv didn't work because he "didn't have no electric."  I did a little investigating, and questioned him a little, and true enough, he has no electricity.  He said they wear their coats when it's cold inside and they use flashlights when it gets dark.  I had to turn my face away from him to keep from crying.  I quickly called our Family Resource Center and they made a home visit and offered some help.  His mother quickly called me the next day to ask if I "turned them in."  I explained that I did, only out of concern, and that I wanted the best for their son and their family.  It all ended up ok, and hopefully I opened a door with this family that will help me help them.  I would gladly put that little guy in my car and bring him home.  He is a such a sweet boy.  It shreds me to think that he is in a cold, dark place right now.  I have taught long enough to know I can't solve the world's problems, and that lots of these families suck the life out of me....but there is something about this little guy.  He has a place in my heart.  Maybe he has had this effect on me because he plays with my little boy everyday.  I pray every night that I can help make a difference.

Kirk picked the biggest bunch of "flowers" for me.  He drives me crazy, and he melts my heart.  The older he gets, the harder I want to hold on to him.  This time next year he will be making his way in kindergarten, probably reading on his own and doing homework.  He tells me he is never going to leave my house.  I tell him that he will want to leave when he goes to college, although a small part of me knows I will want him to stay with me forever.  I took the "flowers" home and put then in a vase with water.  And I might have shed a small tear.  Or two. 

 I'm thankful for my son, my husband, our family, my students, and my life. I hope to remember that every day.  I know I always want things I don't have, and problems that I think I have to be solved, but I need to slow down and appreciate what I have.  I think I will just stop and smell my "flowers."  Haha.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Why I teach (my son)....

     I had a moment today.  Not just any old "mama" moment, but a really proud, heart swelling moment.  I was standing in the middle of my classroom, as my little preschoolers moved all around me, busy with their "work" in our classroom centers, and I was talking to the case worker of one of my little kiddos who is in foster care.  I actually knew her (former co worker from Ashland), and we were talking casually about our little guy and his situation in his current foster care home and his performance at school.  She bent down to talk to him, and she asked him a few questions, like "Who is your teacher?" and "What do you like to play with?" and he answered, smiling and happy.  Then she asked him, "Who is your best friend in your class?" and he smiled up at her, pointed across the room (at my son) and said, "KIRK!"  My eyes started to burn and my heart was too big for my chest....my little boy....best friends with a kiddo who has been in 4 different foster homes in the last year, wears glasses, has some major speech issues, and doesn't know farm animals or Disney characters.  I knew right then that I made the right choice for Kirk.  
     Public school allows situations like this to happen.  Kids who have more than what they need, and kids who have nothing can be best friends.  Kirk spent his playground time this morning playing with a little guy whose trailer doesn't have a doorknob, and my teaching assistant and I were afraid we would fall through the porch trying to get inside for our home visit (he's getting my Christmas donations this year!).  It doesn't matter to them if it doesn't matter to us.  I have kids who have a lot more than us, too.  I think public school is such an amazing place for all kinds of kids to come together and build a "school family" (as I call it).  
     We share our days for 9 months.  We sing together, eat together, play together, laugh together, and cry together (more than I'd like!).  Even though he drives me crazy sometimes, I am glad I can watch Kirk build friendships with all kinds of kids....and proud that I created the environment that make these friendships happen. I have been teaching public school for 11 years, and I (very) strongly believe that it teaches children (and teachers) far more than academic skills.  We all learn about life.  We all learn acceptance, tolerance, and love.  I'm glad to be a part of it, and I'm glad Kirk is too.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's almost my birthday....

I could NOT love Kirk's super hero pictures any more.....Betsy did an amazing job!  She asked Kirk to model for her after our last family session, and he was actually great at it.  He is so animated and listens pretty well.  I'm proud to be this little super guy's mama!

We celebrated Miss Riley's 5th birthday a few weeks ago.  She had an ART party (I was in LOVE with it!).  I helped manage the painting table, and other than a tiny paint spill, we did great.  The kids had a blast, and Kirk made me a bracelet at the bead table because "necklaces and bracelets are for GIRLS!"  

Kirk is 3 weeks into his fall soccer season.  7 goals scored last week, and 4 this week.  I love to watch him play!

We celebrated cousin Bella this week with a tumbling party at AMP.  Kirk loved Bella's Princess Sophia theme (he loves the show and knows the entire theme song word for word)!  Her cupcakes were so cute!  We had a great time, and Kirk reminded her several times that he was ALREADY FOUR YEARS OLD. Ha!

We headed to Athens Saturday afternoon for the MU V. OU game. We had fun at the Big Green tailgate, and Kirk actually made his peace with Marco.  I can't believe the earth shattering fear is over!  I can finally take some pictures of him with our favorite mascot!!


Kirk liked the giant blow up Marco, too.

Kirk signed up for the Vision Campaign at the tailgate....haha!  I was seriously about to give a donation because I was so proud of that NAME WRITING!!  So the stick is on the wrong side of the "a" in Walker, but the rest of it is really good.  He can almost write Walker without us telling him the letters, and he is a pro at writing his own name these days.  He got tired on the address line, and just left a "3," and he added some pictures (Marco standing on an "M" on the bottom, Kirk himself in the upper right corner, and Mike Wazowski (from Monsters Inc.) in the upper left corner).  It all added up to a pretty great job, and a proud mama/teacher!

I'm getting ready to turn 35 this weekend!!  Bring it on.  I don't mind one bit getting older, because my life keeps getting better.  I need to get myself to the DMV this week before my driver's license expires, and I'll be happy to have a slower weekend (no plans other than soccer!).  I'll have a busy week with my preschoolers, and I'll be grateful for another year spent with my family.  I have a feeling 35 will be a great year for me!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

(the last of our) summer time fun

We went to the new water slides at Pump Up The Fun on Wednesday, July 17. We met Angel & Riley and Rachael, Leo, Suzana, and "baby Nora" there.  The kids had a blast, and we were the only ones there for quite a while.  A lady from the newspaper came while we were there and took pictures of the kids and their names and pictures were in the paper on July 18th! The kids had a great time! 

Kirk and I went to Olivia's birthday party at the Highlands Museum, and Kirk played on the light table forever!  He really likes building with just about anything, and his attention to detail amazes me.  He definitely got the building gene from his Daddy (NOT his Mama!)!

I finally let Kirk have his "own" buggy in Kroger.  He LOVED pushing it around all over the store, and he was actually very helpful.  He picked out the exact coffee that I drink, and he even put some broccoli in his buggy (although he does NOT LIKE IT!).  He only ran over my feet 3 times.  It was funny to watch him and the people in the store all talked to him (which he loved!).  He didn't ask for junky food (we have talked and talked about it) and he only took what we needed from the shelves.  I was very proud of him, even if my feet are a little sore.....haha!

Kirk is now a firefly catching machine!  Sunday night he caught 25!  He even caught 2 at once.  He loves watching them glow in the jar.  I let him take them in his room and watch him in the dark (to Jeremy's dismay).  He's learned a lot from catching those little things.  We were even talking about the differences between insects and arachnids tonight.  He's a smart boy!

Kirk is spending this week with Angel, Riley, and Brady while I go back to work...BOO HOO!!!  Angel has been taking the kids to Super Why library camp this week.  They love it, and Kirk thinks he has the "power to read!" Although he can't read very many words, he is getting really close.  He is sounding things out, asking how things are spelled so he can write them, and his handwriting is coming along nicely.  He can write his name pretty well, and I'm excited to see how quickly it straightens up when he begins preschool.  He's really interested in reading and writing now, and I think he will really excel this year. 

We're counting down days until his birthday party and the first day of preschool.  We had "Meet the Teacher" night at our school last week, and although he's met the teacher before (ME) he had fun meeting the other kids in his class and playing in our classroom.  He loves building with all of my wooden blocks, and of course working on the computers.  I can't wait to see him in circle time, during meals, and singing and dancing in our classroom.  11 days till his party, 14 days until he turns 4, and 15 days until his first day of preschool.  That's a lot for a mama to take!  I'm thankful to get to spend every day with him this school year.  It's going to be memorable, I'm sure!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

It's almost time to party, DUDE!

I love Kirk's party invitations! 
They turned out great.  Look for one of these coming to you soon.  It's time to "shell-ebrate!" 

For those of you who are wondering what this little ninja would like for his birthday, here are some of his current favorites:

Ninja Turtles 
*new* Planes toys (new movie coming out Aug. 9th)
any kind of "tools"
any kind of gun/weapon
Jake and the Neverland Pirates
any and all super heroes
board games (we've worn out Candy Land and 3 versions of Memory!)
he also needs a "big boy" car seat
size 4/5T clothes (fall/winter), and size 10 shoes

We hope to see you at his party on August 10th!   Cowabunga, Dude!

"It takes a long time to grow an old friend." -John Leonard

I had a great week.  One of my very best friends FINALLY moved back to Huntington.  After 6 years of residency and fellowship, her husband is now working for Radiology Inc., and their family has landed back in Huntington.  It feels good to have my friend so close again.  I went to dinner with another friend tonight, and we had a lot of fun talking and laughing.  I have been friends with both of these women for 17 years.  That is a long time.  I was thinking tonight on my way back from dinner how amazing it is that Jeremy and I have so many good friends in our lives....people we have held relationships with for almost 20 years.  I also heard this song on the radio on my way home, which reminded me of our college days....hanging out in the sorority house, laughing, talking for hours.....it was so fun... amazing memories I will cherish forever.  I remember hearing this song playing when we were listening to the radio on a Thursday night getting ready to go out, or while we were sitting on a bar stool at the Union.  Good times.  I was surrounded by people that I would still be friends with in 17 years....who knew?   I'm so glad.  I look forward to having my good friends close, and sharing our lives and our kiddos.   

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The magic of Disney....

Our Disney cruise vacation was by far the BEST vacation we've ever had.  It was amazing of course because I love Disney, because Jeremy knows I do, and because we got to share it all with our little boy.  Celebrating our 10 years of marriage aboard the Disney Dream was fantastic.  The food was delicious, everyone was so nice, and we felt like royalty.  The staff members knew our names, remembered what we liked, and we never had to ask for anything.  We are already talking about going back!

I tried to pick some of my other pictures (out of the 237 that I took) that I hadn't already uploaded to Facebook to post here.  This was my favorite "towel character" that our stateroom attendant Danny made for us.  How cute is that little guy? He's wearing my sunglasses! Ha!

This picture was taken outside of the Enchanted Garden.  It was my pick for the best food.  This was also our last night on the ship, and neither Kirk or I wanted to ever get off! 

I think Captain Mickey might be my very favorite Mickey!

Kirk was a great eater on the cruise, and he really enjoyed all the desserts.  I think in four days he had three Mickey head ice creams!  He really liked that our waiter always put his ketchup on his plate in the shape of a Mickey head!

The Walkers had an amazing time, and we WILL be back!

The evening of our anniversary we ate at the Animator's Palate.  It was a great dinner with entertainment for the kiddos.  Crush the sea turtle (from Finding Nemo) swam around to all the different tv screens in the restaurant talking to kids and adults....REALLY talking to them...like "hey there little dude in the blue shirt!"  It was amazing!  Other characters from Nemo swam around as well, and the food was delicious.  The waiters sang "Happy Anniversary" to us and gave us Disney pins (I saved them, of course) and Jeremy gave me these two Pandora charms (blue Mickey head and the cruise ship).  I loved the charms, but the cruise was the best gift ever!

Before we left for our cruise, we visited my sweet Gramma Sullivan in Ocala, FL.  She is my only living grandparent, and she makes no bones about me being her very favorite granddaughter (she's told me that for years!).  She loves Kirk so much, and she enjoys seeing him.  She kept telling me that she thinks Jeremy and I are wonderful parents, and that we are doing such a good job raising Kirk. My Aunt Terry said we treat Kirk like a "prince!"  HA! I don't know about all that, but I know I am so thankful that Jeremy has always  made it possible for us to visit my Gramma, even though she is so far away.  I love her dearly and the time I spend with her is precious.  I'm so glad she adores Kirk as much as we do!

Since we've been back in WV (suffering from our Disney hangovers!) we have been spending some time at the pool, and I must say, Kirk is a pretty good little swimmer.  He definitely has my love for pool water (I'm not a big ocean, lake, etc. girl....but I'll spend my life at the pool!).  I thought I'd post a quick little video of his mad swimming skills.  He was pretty proud when I was videoing him!

On a super sad note....I only have about 2 weeks of summer left...BOO HOO!  I cannot believe it is almost over and time to start another school year!  I do get to start this one with Kirk Walker in my class, so I am a little excited to see our school year start to see how this is going to go.  Kirk is excited about his new school, new backpack and lunchbox, and new friends.  I think he is an amazing kid, and I can't wait to see what this school year brings.  His brain is a little sponge, so I hope he will take off this year academically.  I worry so much about his late birthday, and how much younger he is than other kids in his class.  I know I push too hard sometimes, and I expect him to do too much.  I hope he straightens up his handwriting and starts to read.  I hope he starts drawing better pictures, and learns to count past 29.  I have lots of hopes for him, but most of all I want him to be happy and love school.  If I can get him to school everyday excited to learn, I've done my job....as a mama and a teacher!  

Sunday, June 9, 2013

life of the party

Kirk had a blast with us at Martha and Nick's wedding last night!  It was fun to have him there and hear all of his questions and comments.  I told him to smile when he was playing with his balloon in the picture above, and Brady immediately whipped his head around and posed for me!  Too cute!

This picture above literally makes me laugh out loud!  The look on both of their faces are priceless!

Kirk loved being at the wedding, especially taking pictures with the disposable cameras from the table.  I snapped this picture right after Kirk made Martha pose for one of his pictures.  He took two cameras full of pictures.  I can't wait till those get developed.....haha!

Kirk went fishing with his Daddy at Beech Fork early this morning.  He was pretty proud of his catch!  

We went to Hurricane Park and spray ground today for Kendall's birthday party.  Kirk had fun and we were happy to see so many friends!

5 more days until our 

We're so excited!

We will spend an evening in Downtown Disney, a day in the Magic Kingdom, and then take off on our cruise on the Disney Dream!  We are looking forward to celebrating our 10th anniversary and our first cruise together as a family.  Please pray for safe travels and good weather for us!  

Friday, June 7, 2013

Joining the "hands free revolution".....

We had a fun day at the pool with cousin Holden!  

     I've been reading the handsfreemama.com blog for a while, and almost every post makes me really think about the kind of mama I am and want to be.  Each post makes me remember similar situations in my own life that I made a choice to be "hands free" with my child (or not).  I think every working mama carries a heavy amount of guilt about all the time and attention that our jobs take away from our kids, our families, and our energy levels.  I know after a day with my preschoolers, I don't have the energy to cook, clean, play, do a load of laundry, give Kirk a bath, read books before bed, sing good night songs, walk on the treadmill, read, do my own homework (only 3 classes left at MSU!), and get to bed before midnight.  There are some evenings I can do all of those things, but most nights I just can't do it all. 
       Reading about being "hands free" has made me really think about the choices I make with my family.  You would think after 10 years of being with preschoolers, I would remember to be fully present with my own child and family. My home and personal life seem to hold so many more distractions, chores, and tedious tasks that take up my time.  The cleaning can wait.  I need to listen.  I need to respond.  Enjoy the moment.  When Kirk cries in the middle of the night, I need to remember that he won't do this forever, and cherish an opportunity to rock him and comfort him.  He's too big for my lap.  He wants to do everything "by himself."  He can almost make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by himself.  He can fold towels and match socks in the laundry.  He is almost FOUR YEARS OLD.  Time is passing by too quickly with my baby boy.  I want to be "hands free,"  without distractions, and really look and listen to my boy.  I only have one chance to be his mama.  I will make mistakes, I know.  I just want to be present, fully present, for our family.  When I have a day (or part of a day) that I feel like I was fully present, it makes me feel whole.
       I hope to enjoy my summer days.  We'll go to the pool (and I will "watch me Mama!" when he asks!).  We'll hang out at home.  Kirk says he loves me "all the way down to the Techno Drome" (Ninja Turtles reference) and that he wants to marry me.  I hope he always feels that way about his mama.  He is more important than the distractions.  
       If you haven't read "Hands Free Mama," you should start today.  There is a link to the right ---->
You can also join the "Hands Free Revolution" on Facebook.  Check it out.  That few minutes of distraction are well worth your time.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

keep calm and carry on....

     Motherhood is such an emotional ride.  So many things change forever when you hear that faint little fluttering heartbeat for the first time.  I'll never forget that day.  My baby boy was growing inside me, and my life was forever different.  Jeremy instantly became more than a husband...a father to my son, the head of our family, and my love for him still overwhelms me.  Although I criticize myself a million times a day for so many things, I know I should spend that time being thankful for those amazing boys that I share my home with and enjoy the life we have.  Disasters like the recent Oklahoma tornado and the Sandy Hook shootings bring this into perspective for me.

    I am a teacher.  I have been for 10 years.  I teach young (very young) kids, and any time that I see news scenes from tragic events that involve teachers and students my heart stops for a minute.  Teachers give their lives for their students in these terrible events.  Teachers are found lying on top of little bodies, protecting these most precious little beings, and hopefully allowing some mamas and daddies to continue to have hearts that beat and love that grows for their little ones.  I would give my life for my students.  No doubt. It's just something that is deep in your soul when you are a teacher...that certainty that you will protect your students no matter what. It's what I signed up to do. Those little people walk through my door each day, and their families trust me to do just that.  Now that I have my own little person I have had to find the strength inside me to do the same....trust another human being with my child's safety, happiness, and his life.  It's an amazing thing, to look at another person....someone who is not his mama, daddy, or family.....and knowing that they would give their life for his.  As I let my own kiddos go a week ago, I am thankful that we all made it through this school year, safe, happy, and  (a lot) smarter.  Today I said goodbye to an amazing lady that I always knew would give her life for my son's.  That has been an amazing feeling, and I hope we will find it again.  She is a special lady.  She loved my son like he was her own.  I am so thankful for her, and I hope she knows what she has meant to our family.  Thank you so much, Jeanette Dempsey.  You are a gift.   My son loves you deeply, and that means so much.

Thank you for being a teacher who would protect her own.  The Walkers will miss you!

     Now it's time for me to "keep calm and carry on"....and enjoy my summer with my boys.  As things slow down for me a bit I hope I can show them how much I love them and enjoy our family.  Jeremy and I will soon celebrate 10 years of marriage.  I really can't believe it's been that long.  I remember our first date like it was yesterday, and I remember waiting for him to call me with my stomach in knots.  I remember walking down the isle to him on our wedding day with complete certainty that I should spend my life with him.  I trust and love him completely.  I have for almost 13 years.  He is an amazing father and husband.  I forget to tell him and show him that too often.  Happy (almost) 10 year anniversary to us!  10 of many years to come....

Jeremy and I on our honeymoon in June 2003 
(it's still so hard to believe it's been 10 years!!)