Friday, July 27, 2012

chicken, sleep, and the daily grind....

It's Friday again, and my weekly "high five for Friday" is a bit late, but I was busy trying to enjoy my last week of summer vacation....sigh.  Yes, folks, I head back to work on Monday, actually, for 2 days of "professional development" before school begins (for K-12) on Wednesday, August 1.  I will no doubt have a super busy week, several meetings already planned and lots of kindergartners to be screened.  Here are my top five for the week:

#1.....I am NOT a person who cares about politics AT ALL, and quite honestly, I think most of it is pretty stupid, but I have to make a quick comment on the whole Chick-fil-a controversy, and their accused opposition to gay people, gay marriage....etc.  I do not think that the comments I read that "support" American families are in protest to gays and lesbians.  I know and love people who are gay and lesbian, and I would never support anything that was hateful against them....however, I don't think that if I say I love the color purple, it means I hate all other colors.  People just need something to fuss about.  It's silly.  We are free to believe what we want, like what we want, and say what we want, and our thoughts and words shouldn't be translated to spew hate when we speak in support of something else.  Besides, they sure do make a mean chicken sandwich.  Ha!

#2.....Apparently, I should be thankful that my son goes to bed when we tell him to and sleeps all night.  I got caught up in a discussion with several other moms at the pool this week, and they said I was "lucky" that he was such a good sleeper.  I like to think it's thanks to good parenting, not that he just magically goes to sleep.  I just let them think what they want.....but I know the truth!

#3.....We finally got a nice pool day on Thursday.  

#4....I got a few nice compliments this week from strangers, and my spirits were lifted.  The girl in the Wendy's drive thru told me I had "such a pretty tan" (thanks to pool days!) and  a lady in the Dollar Store and Walmart today told me they liked my hair (thanks to my mother in law hairdresser!).  It's just nice to hear something nice about yourself, especially on days you're not feeling too special.

#5...Kirk attended Bible School a few days this week at Gramma Debi's church.  He had a great time.  He is already talking about "when I go back to Bible School...."  I didn't want to break it to him yet that it only comes around once a year!  

We are headed to Pullman Square to the Hot Dog Festival tomorrow morning, and to a birthday party tomorrow evening and ANOTHER birthday party on Sunday!  Busy weekend!

Have a GREAT weekend!

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