Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

I had a few more pictures to post from our beach trip last week.....
The picture above is of Kirk and I petting those slimy sting rays!  He reached in himself after I forced him to touch the first one.  He was so proud of himself, and I was proud of him for being so brave!

Jeremy took Kirk to the "Alligator Adventure" at Barefoot Landing while I shopped at the outlets.  Jeremy took this picture of Kirk posing by the Tiger, his favorite thing at the Alligator Adventure.  Go figure.

Jeremy said Kirk helped him "read" the map while they were there. 

Kirk posing after dinner at Barefoot Landing....he cleaned out his "bucket" of fish and chips!

another chocolate ice cream cone at Kirk's Ice Cream Parlor....yum!

Today we visited Kirk's Poppy, Meme, and Tanner at Beech Fork State Park.  Kirk was so excited to visit them while they were camping, and Kirk got to use his new Buzz Lightyear fishing pole!  Jeremy said Kirk has to work a little bit on his patience for fishing....shocking, I know.  Kirk had a great time, and I especially liked "camping" for just a few hours!  Ha!

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