Friday, June 15, 2012

High Five For Friday

It's hard to believe it's Friday again!  Another week of my summer sad....BUT, I did have some highlights to this speedy week:

1.  After months of practice, Kirk can finally sign "I love you" back to me!  He is very proud, and he signs to me several times a day now, and my heart melts. Check out that picture above, isn't that sweet?  Now we can say "I love you" without speaking a word.  Priceless.

2.  I had a conference to attend this week for school.  Bummer.  BUT, I always say if there is at least one good idea that I can take from a training to improve my teaching, then it was well worth it.  I got a few new ideas and resources, so it was a success. 

3.  I had dinner on Monday with Angel and Kathleen.  It was a good time, and we had a lot of laughs.

4.  I had dinner on Thursday with Angel, Jamie, and Rachael.  I know, it's amazing that I had 2 dinners out with friends in one week!  It was strange for all of these friends from out of town to be visiting this week.  We were celebrating/mourning Rachael's move to Raleigh, NC.  Her husband will start his radiology fellowship at UNC next month.  They will be there for a year, and then thankfully, they will move back to Huntington!  The move is sad, but one step closer to them being home for good.  I've already made a mental committment to visit them there at least once.  We all wish them the best for a great year in NC!

5.  Father's day is Sunday, so that is a highlight for the week because we're ready to celebrate!  Kirk and I got Jeremy a great gift (details soon) and hopefully we can do something fun together.  Kirk has been asking to "golf with Daddy," so maybe we can do some putt putt golf this weekend.  I'm so thankful that Kirk has such an amazing Dad who takes such good care of both of us. We both love him so much!

Have an amazing weekend, and have a very happy Father's Day!

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