Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summertime Fun

We went to Camden Park on Tuesday, June 27, with Gramma Debi, Holden, Kelsey and Driston.  We had a great time, and Kirk and Holden had so much fun on the rides.  It was awesome to see Kirk riding by himself, and he giggled the whole time.  Kirk wasn't afraid of ANYTHING and wanted to ride everything.  Such a little dare devil!

Kirk, Driston, Holden & Kelsey rode the log flume, they got a little wet.... 

Tiny bikers

They were happy as can be on that boat going around in a slow circle.....ha!

This one made us laugh the most, he loved the whip!

driving their car....and steering very hard

Earlier that day, Kirk went for his very first dentist visit at Huntington Pediatric Dentistry.  He had a great time.  Dr. Martin said his teeth looked great, and he commented several times on how well behaved Kirk was (and how well he was talking, of course!).  The waiting area was great, and Kirk loved his new toothbrush and bouncy ball. The hygienist found him a Spiderman tattoo that I had to apply in the car.  Our 6 month check up is in January!

video games in the waiting area 

There was a tv on the ceiling, but Kirk wasn't too interested in what was on the tv.  He had a million questions to ask and lots of things to say to everyone, of course.  I told the dentist that the 5 minutes he had his mouth held open for his check up was the most silence we'd had all day!  I was very proud of him for being such a big boy!

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